Type of objects the list contains
Constructor of CanvasTable
id of canvas or htmlCanvasElemnt
array of data
Let CanvasTable redraw
Recalc index and then redraw You need to call this if size of the data was change or columns witch was change is in active groupby or sort
Collapse All data in tree mode
Expend All data in tree mode
Is CanvasTable goging to redraw in next frame
Change the visibility of the column
index of colum or the column it self
show or hide the colum
Set new Data and then reindex and redraw
new Data
Set group by data
To customize style of CanvasTable
Generated using TypeDoc
CanvasTable draw table in canvas
import { CanvasTable, Align } from "mthb-canvas-table"; const col:CanvasTableColumnConf[] = [ { header: "Id", field: "__rownum__", width: 80, align: Align.center }, { header: "Name", field: "name", width: 200 }, { header: "LastName", field: "lastName", width: 200 } ]; let data = [{name: "Magni", lastName: "Birgisson"}, {name: "Dagrún", lastName: "Þorsteinsdóttir"}]; /// <canvas id="canvas" style="width:400px; height: 400px"> </canvas> const canvasTable = new CanvasTable("canvas", col, data);